Must Haves for Rwanda Gorilla Trek

Treking, hiking and photography go hand in hand in any Rwanda gorilla tracking safari and gorilla trackers   trek through the forest, and make simple hikes as they search for the lovely primates the mountain gorillas until the time of encounter. After finding them photography silences every activity as trackers take a keen look at the primates as well as capturing the thrilling moments. In Reality Mountain gorillas live in Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic republic of Congo but the choice is for the travelers to track in their favorite destinations.

Rwanda has always been a unique gorilla tracking destination in Africa with a lot of clear indications from its gorilla permit price, trek duration and pleasing hikes. Mountain gorillas are not just like any other wildlife and the experience of tracking mountain gorillas can’t be compared to wildlife viewing experience due to its rareness. Travelers keep asking for the best time to see mountain gorillas in Africa?, being a year round activity one can track mountain gorillas any time provided one has a free schedule and time for it. However, June- August and December to March have always been considered to be the best times to track mountain gorillas because its dry in Rwanda. But before embarking on the trek don’t forget to check out the following for a successful gorilla encounter and experience.

Good camera matter a lot especially those that shoots well in low lights as you aren’t allowed to use flash during the encounter. Still never end the trek without capturing some video because it does capture the memories and moments very well. It can be very sad to end the trek with nothing not even a photo to remind you of such a great day. No need to go and buy and new camera and part with more dollars just use the old one that you have ever used before.

The dress code for the trek should be long trekking style trousers and long socks- to wear over your trousers to protect against insects (ants).Wearing T-shirts is fine but long sleeved tops work best and protect your skin from many forest dangers. Lunch boxes are a must because no one can predict when the trek will end. Sometimes it tends it tends to be cold and damp in the forest so comfortable walking shoes and waterproof hiking boots  are recommended as well as a good change of clothes and warm sweater or jacket. When walking, excitement can fill up the place but cold comes when you stand in one place for a few minutes. You may  warm up immediately when you start walking and  sometimes  sweaters and rain proof jackets are not used especially for those who tack gorillas during the dry seasons of the year that is June- August and December –March but  still you will need it at the lodge bar because it also get cold in the evenings.

If you want to walk light and not bother to carry luggage or bag, good to hire a porter at the park headquarter before the trek to carry the bag and luggage. These are very useful people and one can walk freely and balance up properly on the ground even though the trek lasts, you will have the energy to the take it on to the end. You may have the energy to carry your luggage but hiring a porter at $20 will give happiness to many people both young and old and even give a future to the new generation. Porters have families and children so carrying your luggage is one of their daily responsibility. Therefore, all trackers should hire these porters for easy tracking and with the intention to support these local people. Your porter remains with you throughout the trek and will help you cross the trickier parts of the trails and get anything from your bag that you may need.